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Homeschool Guide

Getting Started With Homeschool
First, learn all you can about homeschooling. Read books about homeschooling. Join local and national support groups, and research online. Start with your local state organization. Learn the laws in your state and know your rights. The HSLDA, Home School Legal Defense Association, website is also a good place to look.
Plan your homeschool, get organized and ready for the school year. Choose a teaching method. Determine what your children’s individual needs are. Set goals for the year. Purchase curriculum and anything you may need after doing these things.
Don’t try to replicate the schoolroom. Decide what is best for your family. School can be wherever you want it to be. Homeschoolers are not limited to a room or even a building. Take it outside if you want. You may even decide not to use books but if you do the library usually has educational books you can check out for months at a time. The sky’s the limit!